Curriculum Vitae



Ph.D. expected, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, Jan. 2012
Dissertation:  "Stumbling Towards Repair: Affiliation and Difference in the Post-1960 North American Novel"

M. Phil., English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 2006
Fields: Gender and queer studies, Twentieth-century American literatures, critical race studies, cultural memory studies, Contemporary North American literature,
Committee: Marianne Hirsch (Chair), Rachel Adams and Robert G. O’Meally

Graduate Certificate in Feminist Scholarship, Columbia University, 2007
Fields: Theories of the Subject; Kinship, Intimacy and Reproduction; Feminist Literary Criticism
Committee: Marianne Hirsch (Chair) and Elizabeth Povinelli

M.A. Comparative Literature, Dartmouth College, 2004
M.A. Thesis: "The Textual Performance of Embodied Memory in Daphne Marlatt’s Ana Historic and Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska’s La Maison Trestler"

B.A. Comparative Literature, Smith College, 2001
Minor: Women and Gender


Columbia U., Marjorie Hope Nicholson Graduate Fellowship (2005-2012)
Columbia U., Center for the Critical Analysis of Social Difference Graduate Fellowship (2008-12)
Columbia U., Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Travel Award (2011)
Columbia U., English and Comparative Literature Graduate Travel Award (2011)
Columbia U., Institute for Research on Women and Gender Graduate Fellowship (2007-2008)
Second Round Finalist, Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies (2005)
Dartmouth College Graduate Fellowship (2003-2004)
Smith College Dean’s List (1997-2001) and First Scholars (1999-2000)


Columbia University
Spring 2012                Teaching Assistant, Literary Texts, Critical Methods
Fall 2011                     Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Ethnic Studies
Summer 2011  Instructor, Studies in African American Literature:
Toni Morrison and her New York Circle
2009-2011 Preceptor in the Core Curriculum, Literature Humanities:
Masterpieces of Literature and Philosophy
2010                            Teaching Assistant, Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice
2009                            Instructor, Re-Reading the Sixties: Sex, Love and Gender
2006-2007, Sp. 2008   Instructor, University Writing
Fall 2007         Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
Fall 2006         Teaching Assistant, American Modernism

2009    Adjunct Instructor, U.S. Contemporary Literature since 1945: Sex and Intimacy in the 1960s

Dartmouth College
Winter 2004    Teaching Assistant, Comparative Literature Freshman Seminar “Warzones: Cultural Issues in 20th Century War”
Spring 2004    Teaching Assistant, Comparative Literature Course “Mothers and Daughters”


“Making Love, Making Friends: Affiliation and Repair in James Baldwin’s 1962 Another Country.” Accepted for publication by Studies in American Fiction, John Hopkins University Press.

“Heidi Julavits.” Encyclopedia of Contemporary Writers and their Works.  New York: Facts on File, 2010.

“The Uses of Enchantment.” Encyclopedia of Contemporary Writers and Their Works. New York: Facts on File, 2010.

“Diving into the Wreck: Translation as Interspecies Affiliation in Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing and Linda Hogan’s People of the Whale,” Work-in-progress.


“Diving into the Wreck: Interspecies Affiliation in Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing and Linda Hogan’s People of the Whale.” Paper presented for the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment Biennial Conference, Indiana University, June 2011.

“Looking Back from a New Direction: Perspective and Re-vision in Susan Choi’s American Woman.” Paper presented for the American Comparative Literature Association Conference, March 2011.

“Cut Adrift: Piecing Together Affiliation in Toni Morrison’s Sula.” Invited Lecture. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, December 2010.

Invited Respondent to “A Discussion of Memory: Histories, Theories, Debates with editors Bill Schwarz and Susannah Radstone.” Columbia University Seminar on Cultural Memory, October 2010.

“Underground Women: Visibility and Perspective in Susan Choi’s American Woman.” Paper presented at the Contemporary Women’s Writing Conference, San Diego State University, July 2010.

“Cut Adrift: Improvising Affiliation in Toni Morrison’s Sula.” Paper presented at the Futures of American Studies Institute, Dartmouth College, June 2010.

Moderator and Lead-Organizer of conference panel, entitled “Queer Looks at Straight Books,” National Women’s Studies Association Conference, November 2009.

“Making Love, Making Friends: James Baldwin’s Another Country in the Civil Rights Context.”  Paper presented at James Baldwin: In His Time/In Our Time, Suffolk University, March 2009.

“’Only to be Loved’: Domestic Trauma and the Fantasy of Repair in Tim O’Brien’s In the Lake of the Woods.” Paper presented at the Northeast Modern Languages Association Conference, February 2009.

“Marital Disintegration in the Wake of Vietnam: The Unproductive Futures of Tim O’Brien’s In the Lake of the Woods.” Paper presented at Columbia University’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, “Twentieth Century Literature and the Weight of History,” April 2008.

“Surfacing Abortion: Political Conception in Margaret Atwood and After.”  Paper presented at Columbia University’s Institute for Comparative Literature and Society Conference “Interrupting the Future,” April 2008.

Invited Guest Lecture on Science and the Environment, Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies, Barnard College and Columbia University, October 2007.

Invited Guest Lecture on Willa Cather’s My Antonia and Horizons of Identity, American Modernism, Columbia University, November 2006

“The Textual Performance of Embodied Memory in Ana Historic and La Maison Trestler.” Work-in-Progress presented at Cultural Memory Colloquium, Columbia University, May 2006.

“Intersubjective Countermemory in Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska’s La Maison Trestler.” Paper presented at Duke University’s Graduate Student Conference “Images of the Self,” February 2004.


Twentieth century American literature (including African American and multi-ethnic literatures), Contemporary Canadian literature, American studies, feminist and queer studies, cultural memory studies, critical race studies, the study of literature and the environment, Anglo- and Francophone women writers, narrative theory, and contemplative pedagogies.


Founding Member, Cultural Memory Colloquium, Columbia University (2005-present)
Rapporteur, Columbia University Seminar on Cultural Memory (2009-present)
Member, Engendering the Archives Working Group (2008-present)
Member, Organizing Committee, Injured Cities Conference (2009-present)
Chair, Library Carrel Committee (2010-present)
Peer Consultant to Incoming Instructors, Columbia University Writing Program (2010-2011)
Coordinator, Americanist Graduate Reading Group (2008-2009)
Writing Consultant/Tutor, Columbia University Writing Center (2007-2009)
Member, Contemporary Anglophone Literature Hiring Committee (2008-2009)
Member, Organizing Committee, What is Feminist Politics Now Conference (2007-2008)
Member, Organizing Committee, Objects and Memory Workshop (Spring 2008)
Organizing Member, IRWaG Graduate Student Colloquium, Columbia University (2007-2008)
Moderator, Interdisciplinary Faculty Panel on Embodiment, IRWaG (Spring 2008)


National Women’s Studies Association, Modern Language Association, American Studies Association, Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, American Comparative Literature Association


Research Assistant to Professor Marianne Hirsch (2004-present)
Research Consultant for Curriculum Redevelopment, Lynn University (2007)
Presidential Acknowledgement Letter Writer, University of Michigan Office of Development (2004-2005)
Executive Assistant to the Executive Director, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2001-2002)


Advanced French, Beginning Spanish