Its no surprise that many of our queer friends decided to take the hurricane as an opportunity for some bacchanalian shenanigans. Thanks to the Christian Right and Michelle Bachmann, we know that AIDS, earthquakes and hurricanes are simply God's punishment for gay sex and lesbian parenting. Of course the gays are celebrating! Why pay attention to the hard science of climate change when we have homosexuality and Revelations?
On a serious serious note, although the subway shutdown put a damper on cross-borough partying, this impulse to collectivize seems to subtly index folks' resistance to the talk of "go bags," "emergency kits" and "evacuation zones." Irene hit just a week or so shy of September's National Preparedness Month. Today you can still find ads across Manhattan for FEMA's Readiness campaign, which are not so subtly juxtaposed to memorials for the tenth anniversary of 9/11. On FEMA's you can find a slew of information about tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, nuclear and chemical threats - and of course how you can make your own emergency kit from home. Rather than focus on neighborly solidarity, the federal discourse of "emergency preparedness" emphasizes an individualist, market-driven response -- how you can take care of your self and your family. And in "family," they mean the nuclear family model, which harkens back to the nostalgic Cold War heyday of fallout shelters and air-raid drills.
Nowhere on this site can you find information for those of us who may not have the physical or financial means necessary to create such a kit. And nowhere does FEMA articulate any "special" suggestions for gays, lesbians, and transgender individuals who are often more vulnerable to being denied basic human rights such as healthcare, shelter and family re-unification during emergency situations. This is also true for the New York City Office of Emergency Management's website and media campaign, which while doing much to help raise consumer awareness as to those necessary "Go bag" items, could have done a bit more for its less fortunate residents, such as the inmates of Rikers Island and those required to evacuate who were home bound or without access to a car.
As adults were told to be responsible and take care of their bodies, minds and property, so too did kids have to learn how to be ready for a catastrophe. The most illuminating aspect of the website is the section entitled Ready Kids!, in particular the fifteen minute Sesame Street episode called "Let's Get Ready!" As we are guided by Grover through the process of "getting ready," the consumer rationale for emergency preparedness becomes evident. Grover visits a bi-racial family in the suburbs to see how they are getting prepared - the nuclear family of today! They're busy putting together their "go-bag":

There may be hope for those of us who are skeptical of the current consumer-focused rationale for fighting forest fires, hurricane-force winds and climate change. In a subversive take on emergency preparedness by the muppets of Sesame Street, Grover gives us an alternative vision. In Grover's very large go-bag, which he can barely carry, are a feather boa, googley-eyes, and a bowling ball.

At first struck by melancholic despair, Grover makes due and quickly suggests, "Well in that case, let's go bowling!" Excitedly wielding his bowling ball, Grover accidentally drops it on a cat who meows in pain. The scene closes with him running to her, exclaiming, "Don't worry kitty, I have my emergency kit!"
I leave it to you to find the irony of Grover's somewhat flamboyant take on emergency preparedness. This may all be to say that we must re-evaluate our allegiance to kitties, muppets, inmates, and elders that cohabit with us on this planet. For, as queer eco-critic Catriona Sandilands suggests, queer and ecological politics are intimately entangled, and therefore require us to more deeply analyze the varied structures of power and capital that shape these allied struggles.
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